Diamond Audio
Diamond Audio Technology is a manufacturer and designer of high fidelity and high quality amplifiers and speakers for car audio and multimedia appliance. Diamond Audio Technology is one of the few audio manufacturers that create and manufacture their own audio sound system. Considered as one of the finest audio manufacturing companies in the market today, Diamond Audio Technology showcases the best technologically advanced audio sound systems.
Diamond Audio Technology was founded by one of the icons of live rock n roll concerts, Rikki Farr in 1995. Together with a J. Schwitalla and Drew Kallen, two brilliant electronic designers who specialize in creating highly developed audio sound systems. The three are responsible for the high quality performance and innovations of the Diamond Audio Technology. Committed to design superiority and high quality standard, Diamond Audio Technology has mixture of highly competitive team, strong financial foundation, bottom less resources and most of all experience.
On July of 1995, the Diamond Audio Technology was based on a five thousand square foot office with a two thousand five hundred square foots warehouse next to it on Santa Monica, California. After a span of two months, Diamond Audio Technology then set up the its counterpart in Asia called the “Diamond Audio Asia Limited” on a ten thousand square feet manufacturing facility. Then on July of 2003, the Diamond Audio Technology has opened a fifty thousand square foot Facilities Corporate Headquarters and Warehouse in Chandler, Arizona. It is operated by a band of brilliant professional of audio, electronics and management that are committed in exceeding the limits of today’s technology so that they may create and manufacture the best and greatest audio appliance and components.
With the business on the rise, Diamond Asia then employed more than two hundred engineers and manufacturing personnel on their sixty-five thousand square foot structure on Guangzhou, China. Diamond Asia manufactures more than forty thousand speakers every day. Its European office in Royston, United Kingdom is operated by individuals highly experienced in fields of multimedia, audio sound system technology and automotive industry.
The end of 1998, the Diamond Audio Technology in Santa Monica was unable to cope up with the demands; it then expanded its warehouse from two thousand five hundred square feet to nine thousand square feet. And by May of 2000, it has relocated its warehouse, shipping and service division to a fourteen thousand square feet facility on Culver City, California.
Today Diamond Audio Technology is still continuing to grow and still aims to develop and engineer highly developed and sophisticated audio sound systems by showcasing ground breaking series of amplifiers and speakers. Its products are considered to be the best in the industry, not just in the United States but also all over the world.