The History Of Social Media Websites
Man has always been a social animal and hence, has always lived in complex social structures. The Internet added a new dimension to this aspect through the concept of social media websites.
How It All Started
As the Internet began to permeate into every home, teenagers found a new way of expression via the Internet. One way teens found of sharing common interests with other like-minded teenagers was through MySpace. This mode of expression had no immediate checks or rules clamped on by adults– parents actually felt safer having their teenagers play on their computers at home instead of partying outside.
Teenagers as well as adults found MySpace to be exceptionally fast and viable way of communicating with one another. They could use Myspace –and now Facebook or Second Life– to interact with one another, to share files with one another, and to coach one another into the fulfillment of their dreams.
The popularity of social networking websites grew with the need for the teenagers to have a space of their own, away from the prying eyes of their parents and other “responsible” adults. What resulted was an extremely healthy and effective way of communication that spread like wild fire across the globe gaining thousands, if not, millions of members every day.
Until a few years ago, even though millions of teenagers spent hours on MySpace, many adults did not even know of its existence. Unfortunately, as social media websites became more popular and widespread, predators began using them as a tool to target victims and more and more people became aware of the concept of social media websites, for good and bad.
As the fame of social media websites developed and gained prominence, their potential as money makers came to the forefront. Social media websites such as Digg, Second Life, Reddit, and Facebook have now become popular with adults and teenagers, and MySpace continues to be widely used.
How the Social Media Websites Work
You start with your own space on a page that anyone can access. This is your “lounge” where you entertain your Internet friends. There you place a number of bookmarks for sites that interest you and you put in your comments and extra links (if any). You can also add personal photos, a blog, and news about what is happening in your life. When your friends visit your page, they can check out your favorite sites or photos and leave their comments there.
In this manner, you develop a social circle which is fun and keeps you updated in your field of interest. You can easily form a network of online friends and referral sources via social media websites. More than just fun for teenagers, social media websites are recognized as an effective tool for viral marketing, and they have actually become a marketing vehicle for many individuals and organizations. Many people today use social media websites to build traffic to their own websites, promote their products, and develop a better and broader customer base.